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Preventing Radicalisation
We have a duty to be aware of the risks of radicalisation of our young people from all extremist ideologies and to act when we suspect there is a risk of harm.
Hate Crimes
What is a hate crime?
Children and the Court System
How can children be involved with the court system?
Children with Family Members in Prison
Children and young people with a parent or family member in prison are at risk of several poor outcomes including poverty, stigma, isolation and poor mental health.
About us
Get to know the team behind Safeguarding Network.
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Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse affects all parts of society, regardless of perceived social status, type of relationship (e.g., same-sex or heterosexual), gender identity, and cultural or religious background. Where there is domestic abuse in the family, children are vulnerable to several risks .
Privacy notice
When and why we collect personal information about users of our services, how we use it, when we may disclose it to others and how we keep it safe.
Safer Working Practices
All organisations employing staff and/or volunteers to work with children and young people need to ensure that safeguarding is at the heart of everything they do.
Child Exploitation
Children and young people can be exploited in many ways, including being trafficked, sexually exploited and used to run drugs. All of these come under the banner of child exploitation.
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a form of sexual abuse. In return for gifts, money, drugs, affection, and status, children and young people are coerced, manipulated and deceived into performing sexual activities.
County Lines
Criminal gangs often exploit children and young people to sell illegal drugs and weapons across the country via dedicated mobile phone lines.
Modern Slavery and Trafficking
Modern slavery can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender or nationality - and includes the trafficking of people for the purposes of exploitation.
Gender-based Violence
Cutting across boundaries (e.g., age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation), gender-based violence covers multiple forms of abuse against people linked directly to their gender identity.
Children in the Care of Others
Children may live in the care of others under a variety of arrangements with or without the formal badge of "being looked after". These children may face specific risks and it's important we can identify the different arrangements there may be.
Adopted Children
When a child is adopted, parental responsibility for the child passes from the birth parents to the adoptive parents. Regardless of the age of the child when they are adopted, it can have a lasting impact on their lives.
Children in Care of the Local Authority
Children can be looked after by agreement with parents or by order of a court. Most children in care are safe from harm and do well, however, for some there are particular risks.
Private Fostering
Private foster carers are people who are not a close relative to a child but plan to look after them for 28 days or more. The local authority must be notified so they can assess and support them to ensure it is a safe place for the child.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional harm can be present in all forms of abuse, as well as exist on its own. It can have significant long-term effects on a child’s mental health, education, future expectations and ability to relate to others.
Harmful Practices
'Harmful practices’ is a collective term for several different forms of abuse which all share a similar characteristic and are seen as acceptable practices within some sections of society.
Working Together 2023 - Information and Guidance for Early Years and Childminders
Presentation: Domestic abuse
Presenter Notes: Domestic abuse
Privacy Notice
Hate Crime Presentations
Young People's Resource Hub
Anti-racism and mental health in schools
Hate Crimes - Handout
Hate Crime - Quiz
Hate Crime - Quiz (Answers)
Youth Crime
Being a witness
Children and young people in the family justice system
A young person's guide to care proceedings
Child arrangements information
Creating safe spaces
Supporting the youngest children in the youth justice system
The CAPRICORN Framework
Family in prison and children in courts - Presentation
Family in prison and children and courts - Presenter notes