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Bullying has an enduring impact on children and young people right through to their adult life and should be taken as seriously as other allegations of abuse or neglect.
The impact of cyberbullying is the same as any other form of bullying, affecting self-esteem and self-confidence, and in severe cases leading to mental health issues and the potential consequences of self-harm and suicidal thoughts.
Child Exploitation
Children and young people can be exploited in many ways, including being trafficked, sexually exploited and used to run drugs. All of these come under the banner of child exploitation.
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child sexual exploitation is a form of sexual abuse. In return for gifts, money, drugs, affection, and status, children and young people are coerced, manipulated and deceived into performing sexual activities.
Child Criminal Exploitation
Child criminal exploitation is a form of child abuse where children and young people are coerced and manipulated into committing crimes.
Child Abuse Linked to Faith or Belief
Faith abuse, which includes practices relating to a belief in spirit possession and witchcraft, is often a hidden crime which is under-reported but can have a significant impact on children.
Gangs and Youth Violence
Gang membership and associated youth violence can have a devastating impact on children, young people and their families.
Gender-based Violence
Cutting across boundaries (e.g., age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation), gender-based violence covers multiple forms of abuse against people linked directly to their gender identity.
Hate Crimes
What is a hate crime?
Missing Children
Individuals are missing if their whereabouts cannot be established and the circumstances are out of character, or the context suggests the person may be subject to crime or at risk of harm to themselves or another.
Modern Slavery and Trafficking
Modern slavery can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender or nationality - and includes the trafficking of people for the purposes of exploitation.
Online Safety and Cybercrime
The internet provides both opportunities and threats to children and young people. It’s important to educate regarding these threats and promote responsible use of technology.
Child-on-child Abuse
Children can abuse other children and is known as child-on-child abuse. We look at what it is and how to update staff.
Preventing Radicalisation
We have a duty to be aware of the risks of radicalisation of our young people from all extremist ideologies and to act when we suspect there is a risk of harm.
Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
Children and young people are targeted for sexual abuse and exploitation by adults and by one another. As a society, we have sometimes ignored the harm sexual violence and sexual harassment can cause.
Public Sexual Harassment
Public sexual harassment (PSH) is a form of gender-based violence. The impact can be significant, with fear of PSH dictating where individuals go in their local areas, how they look and the actions that they take in order to keep themselves safe.
Sharing Nudes
Children and young people may be coerced into creating and/or sharing nude or semi-nude images of under 18 year-olds or do so willingly. Responding to this issue can be complex, and education settings should address and manage the risks carefully.
ECPAT UK – useful tools
Prevention and identification of children and young adults experiencing, or at risk of, modern slavery in the UK
Fearless Resources
Child substance misuse poster
Allegations poster
Child-on-child abuse poster
Emotional abuse poster
Missing children poster
Online safety poster
Preventing radicalisation poster
Sexual abuse poster
Sexual violence and sexual harassment poster
What does gender equality mean to your pupils?
HBT bullying
Child Sexual Exploitation Poster
Data Insights Hub [2024]
Sexual violence and sexual harassment scenario (EYFS)
Sexual violence and sexual harassment scenario (EYFS) – DSL Information sheet