Safeguarding Network Early Years | Safeguarding Network

Early Years Membership

Our mission is to build confidence in safeguarding across all education settings.

Sharon Birch is your dedicated Early Years Safeguarding Consultant.

Sharon works with early years professionals and primary schools in her role as a safeguarding consultant with Safeguarding Network. She has over 40 years experience in the field of child protection and safeguarding. Amongst her previous roles she was a child protection detective, the owner of an outstanding children’s nursery, has worked for the NSPCC and a number of charities and organisations as their safeguarding officer. Sharon has worked as a family advocate and trainer of multi-agency professionals. She has been a keynote speaker and is passionate about getting it right for children. Sharon has been part of the Safeguarding Network team for three years and has delivered training across the UK, as well as undertaking safeguarding reviews, and conducting many supervisions. She is keen to work with professionals in early years and we can offer a bespoke service for your setting.

Enquire today about membership, training needs, supervision, reviews and all that we can offer.

Contact our team today

What others have said

  • Really great to be able to attend an on-line webinar which deal exclusively with safeguarding in early years settings – thank you and I look forward to attending the next one.

  • The Early Years webinar was a breath of fresh air – expertly but informally presented with lots of safeguarding information relevant to Early Years, which makes a change.

  • Thank you – this has really helped me in supporting my staff with recognising and responding to neglect in the early years.

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Join our Facebook group

Safeguarding Network has a Facebook group specifically looking at safeguarding in early years settings. Come and see what it’s about and join up:

Take me to the group

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What is Safeguarding Network?

Designated safeguarding leads have more to do and less time to do it. We help by collecting the resources you need in one place along with expert advice. By joining Safeguarding Network, you along with other DSLs can access training resources for your staff, audit tools and more.

We know that working in early years, it can feel a bit lonely in crucial areas like safeguarding. Our aim is for all settings to be able to build confidence in their safeguarding and be able to practice using appropriate materials designed by people who have walked in your shoes.

We’ve kept our costs low and the value high. For £29 per month, your setting has full access to:

  • all our 15-20 minute update training packs;

  • our 2-year in-house safeguarding curriculum;

  • 2 hours consultancy in the event of a Welfare Requirements Notice;

  • safeguarding news and articles;

  • forums with other DSLs;

  • scenarios to run with your team;

  • heavily discounted online learning;

  • training discounts;

  • initial safeguarding advice;

  • audit tools to check your work;

  • discounts on supervision, DSL and other training packages.

Safeguarding Supervision

Why have safeguarding supervision?

Demands on staff time and meetings can detract from the core purpose of schools in educating children and young people. Why does safeguarding supervision matter and what difference does it make to children, young people and the organisation? We explore some of the rationale and research behind the development of a strong and sustained supervision culture.

Click the button below to find out how we can help.

Be part of the network with other DSLs. Subscribe now.

Feel free to download and use our sample domestic abuse materials – members receive these packs monthly covering every area in Keeping Children Safe in Education. You can view more information on all the topics covered on our resource page.

We have already received positive feedback on the resources and services produced for our members and supporting your membership is our highly experienced EYFS Safeguarding Consultant who is available at the end of the phone for any initial advice.

You’ll be pleased to know accessing this level of support won’t break the bank with monthly membership at just £29 (inclusive of VAT).

Our youngest learners are amongst some of our most vulnerable members in society – let us help you help them by providing services to build your safeguarding culture amongst the adults working in your setting.