Missing Children

Safeguarding Network

February 2024 - 8 minute read

Loved 3 times


Children and young people can go missing for several reasons. Those who are missing, or have run away from home, are more likely to be absent from education. According to the UK Missing Persons Unit, over the last five years an average of 200,000 missing child incidents were reported to the police each year. 

The DfE estimates 33,000 children were missing education in the autumn term of 2023 and 6% of children missing education have an education, health and care plan for special needs, compared to 4% of pupils nationally. They are also more than twice as likely to have a child protection plan. 

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Definition of missing


“Anyone whose whereabouts cannot be established will be considered missing until located, and their well-being or otherwise confirmed.”

College of Policing, Authorised Professional Practice: Missing Persons (February 2023)


“A person not at a place where they are expected or required to be.”

National Police Chief’s Council

Why do children go missing?

Children and young people can go missing or run away for several reasons, usually because of a combination of push and pull factors.

Push factors

Things in the home or education environment that cause significant stress for the child or young person and lead them to believe that the only option to protect themselves is to leave.

Push factors can include:

  • Parental issues – for example, parental substance misuse, parental mental health issues or domestic abuse within the home.
  • Family conflict or breakdown – for example, numerous arguments in the home or a parent starting a new relationship with someone the child does not like.
  • Abuse and/or bullying – being a victim of abuse may lead children and young people to believe that the only option is to run away from home or stop attending their education setting.
  • Loneliness – the child or young person may see going missing as a chance to meet new people and make new friends.

Pull factors

Things that entice a child or young person to leave their home or education environment, usually believing that they can improve their lives in some way or meet an underlying need.

Pull factors can include:

  • Criminal exploitation – for example, when a child is recruited to sell drugs as part of county lines.
  • Sexual exploitation – a child may have been groomed and enticed to leave.
  • Peer pressure.
  • Excitement.
  • Exploration – being in other environments may mean that a child or young person gets to explore issues such as relationships, sexuality or gender.


Children and young people who are missing may be in serious danger and are vulnerable to crime, abuse, sexual exploitation, criminal exploitation, abduction, radicalisation and missing education.

The report, The Ethnicity of Missing People, also demonstrates the need to remember that the risks are the same for children from all ethnic groups, and “…risks may be being under-identified for children from Black and Asian communities.”

Missing education is not limited to non-attendance at an education setting. Absence from education should also include those:

  • not going to their classroom;
  • not staying in class;
  • not attending some lessons;
  • avoiding some physical spaces or people.

A child or young person who is going missing or missing education for prolonged and/or repeated occasions can be an early warning sign of potential safeguarding concerns, such as those identified earlier.

Missing children and young people are at significant risk of underachieving and more likely not to be in education, employment or training in later life, thereby limiting their potential.

Looked after children

According to the Department for Education, looked after children are more likely to go missing, and 1 in every 10 children in care is reported missing each year.  The Ethnicity of Missing People, states that a looked after child may go missing on average 6 times in a year, compared to twice for a child who is not looked after. It also states, that looked after children from Black and mixed ethnicities are likely to have higher numbers of missing incidents than other looked after children.

For children and young people in care, the perceived lack of control over their lives and lack of involvement in key decision making can lead to them running away to re-establish some control.

Whilst it can be argued that their current home environment should be stable, there are additional issues linked with lack of control, such as:

  • feelings of not being listened to;
  • frustration around the “process”;
  • struggling with barriers put in place due to the “system”.

Many children and young people in care experience disrupted early childhoods, meaning that their relationships with others can be difficult and lacking in trust. This often results in poor social and emotional skills, can lead to poor coping strategies for dealing with emotionally stressful situations, and makes looked after children more vulnerable to exploitation.

It’s important that we are aware of the individual needs of looked after children and work to reduce the likelihood of missing incidents.

When a child goes missing

Our response when a child or young person goes missing is equally as important as understanding the reasons for them going missing.

Governing bodies, proprietors and senior leadership must ensure appropriate safeguarding arrangements are in place to respond to children who are absent from education, particularly on repeat occasions and/or for prolonged periods.

There are two stages:

  1. When a child is missing

    Think about how much you know about the child, their friends, their likes and dislikes. Do they have any routines that they follow all the time, are there any favourite places they like to go? What do you know about the context in which they went missing? For example, was there a big argument immediately prior to the missing episode? Is there anything that may be drawing them away?

    When reporting to the police, ensure you pass on all relevant details you know about the child, including any vulnerabilities and what you think may have led them to go missing, so officers can effectively complete the risk assessment that informs their response. For example, if a child had learning disabilities, and so was more vulnerable to harm, they would be considered at higher risk.

  2. When a child returns

    Think about how to respond appropriately. Try not to apportion blame – seek to understand what it might be like to be in their shoes and establish what might prevent a further missing episode.

    What do you observe when they return: are they intoxicated (either through drink and/or drugs); are they wearing different clothes; are there any signs that they have been given money, phones, etc.? Are they tired? Do they have physical injuries?


Keeping Children Safe in Education outlines the importance of a setting’s response to persistently absent pupils and children missing from education, identifying any safeguarding concerns, and working with local children’s services to prevent abuse and the risk of children going missing in the future. It‘s particularly critical for children who are already known to social care services, because going missing from education may increase the existing safeguarding risks for the child or young person. 

Education settings can do the following to address potential cases of children missing education:

Keep talking

To ensure all children are safe and able to learn, it's vital that education settings and local authorities maintain effective communication with parents and carers.

Some parents may have had negative experiences of education themselves, which makes them reluctant to communicate with their child’s education setting or staff. The coronavirus pandemic has also led many parents and carers to become distanced from educational communities, and caused an increase in children and young people who are persistently absent from education.

It’s important to find ways to encourage two-way communication with parents and carers. This helps to build trust. When parents and carers have confidence that your setting can support their child, they are more likely to share important information regarding their child’s well-being, and they are more likely to encourage their child to attend.

Observe and respond

Regular reviews of attendance data can help staff to spot early indicators of potential absence, such as patterns of non-attendance or recurring lateness.

Other early indicators can include:

  • reports from parents or carers that a child is reluctant to attend;
  • the child or young person often complaining of feeling ill (e.g., stomach-ache, sickness, headaches);
  • changes in behaviour, for example, becoming less talkative with peers and staff, showing less interest in lessons or displaying challenging behaviour.

If you observe any changes in attendance patterns or behaviour, do not hesitate to raise your concerns with your designated safeguarding lead and follow your setting’s procedures.

Early action should include offering the child or young person the chance to discuss their situation and how they feel. This may help them open up and ask for help. It’s critical that students know they can speak to staff with confidence and know they will be listened to and supported.

Develop protective factors

Settings can develop protective factors to help counter the push or pull factors that may lead to a child or young person going missing.

Settings could:

  • Create safe spaces where children and young people feel secure and able to express their emotions and concerns, where they know they will be listened to, and can ask for the help they need.
  • Provide opportunities for children and young people to contribute to the decision-making process of the setting. This will help them feel that their voices are heard and valued.
  • Seek regular feedback from learners about what strategies are working, or not, and allow them to be involved in any adjustments that are required.

Children with additional needs and those who are known to social care services may require additional support and a targeted action plan, developed with their input, to help them feel empowered and build confidence in the setting’s ability to meet their individual needs.

Free missing children poster

This free, downloadable resource raises the profile of safeguarding for your staff team. For use in staff rooms, on safeguarding boards or on the back of toilet doors, the poster includes tips, a space for local contact details, plus a link and QR codes to this resource page. Download the poster from the resources below.

DSL Training Materials

  • Presentation

  • Presenter Notes

  • Handout for staff

  • Missing children – Quiz

  • Missing children – Quiz (Answer Sheet)

  • Missing children – whole group exercise

  • Missing children – whole group exercise – DSL sheet

  • Teenage Runaways in the UK

  • Missing children scenario (Early Years)

  • Missing children scenario (Early Years) – DSL information sheet

  • Missing children scenario (primary schools)

  • Missing children scenario (primary schools) – DSL information sheet

  • Missing children scenario (Secondary)

  • Missing children scenario (Secondary) – DSL Information Sheet

  • Missing children scenario (16+ settings)

  • Missing children scenario (16+) – DSL Information Sheet

  • Missing children scenario (SEND)

  • Missing children scenario (SEND) – DSL Information Sheet

  • Missing scenario – care

  • Missing scenario (care) – DSL information sheet


  • Missing children poster

  • Why Do Children Run Away?

  • Children Missing from Home

  • Research about Missing Children

  • Missing Children Response Assessment Tool

  • Centring the Child

  • Addressing School Avoidance

  • Lost and Not Found

  • Working Together to Improve School Attendance

  • The Ethnicity of Missing People

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