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Neglect is the most common form of abuse in the UK. Neglect can be life threatening and should be treated with the same urgency as other types of abuse.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional harm can be present in all forms of abuse, as well as exist on its own. It can have significant long-term effects on a child’s mental health, education, future expectations and ability to relate to others.
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse involves physical harm being caused to a child and includes female genital mutilation and making up the symptoms of an illness in a child or causing a child to become unwell.
Sexual Abuse
The impact of being sexually abused can be lifelong, so we must raise all concerns and provide support to victims as soon as possible.
Specific Risks for Children with SEND
Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are at increased risk of abuse and neglect. Their needs may make it more difficult for a child to understand that they are being abused and for others to spot the signs.
Children's Mental Health
Growing up is never an easy time, and for some children there are things which can trigger mental ill-health. This can be seen in many ways, and like with adults experiencing similar issues, children can feel stigmatised and unable to approach others for help.
Types of abuse and neglect
A summary of the types of abuse and neglect with link to a free downloadable handout.
Child-on-child abuse poster
Emotional abuse poster
Missing children poster
Family in prison poster
Sexual abuse poster
Sexual violence and sexual harassment poster
Neglect poster
Operation Encompass
Parental Mental Ill-health Poster