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Child-on-child Abuse
Children can abuse other children and is known as child-on-child abuse. We look at what it is and how to update staff.
Abuse by People Working with Children
What should you do if you have concerns about a person working with children?
The Impact of Poverty
Living in poverty can compromise a child or young person’s aspirations, health, well-being and achievements. Education settings play an essential role in easing this impact and creating opportunities.
Being homeless or at risk of becoming homeless can compromise a child or young person’s aspirations, health, well-being and achievements. It’s important that we understand the impact of homelessness on children and young people to help improve their outcomes.
Bullying has an enduring impact on children and young people right through to their adult life and should be taken as seriously as other allegations of abuse or neglect.
The impact of cyberbullying is the same as any other form of bullying, affecting self-esteem and self-confidence, and in severe cases leading to mental health issues and the potential consequences of self-harm and suicidal thoughts.
Preventing Radicalisation
We have a duty to be aware of the risks of radicalisation of our young people from all extremist ideologies and to act when we suspect there is a risk of harm.
Hate Crimes
What is a hate crime?
Children and the Court System
How can children be involved with the court system?
Children with Family Members in Prison
Children and young people with a parent or family member in prison are at risk of several poor outcomes including poverty, stigma, isolation and poor mental health.
About us
Get to know the team behind Safeguarding Network.
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This policy sets out how users and others are permitted to use the content of Safeguarding Network and any associated subdomains.
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse affects all parts of society, regardless of perceived social status, type of relationship (e.g., same-sex or heterosexual), gender identity, and cultural or religious background. Where there is domestic abuse in the family, children are vulnerable to several risks .
Privacy notice
When and why we collect personal information about users of our services, how we use it, when we may disclose it to others and how we keep it safe.
Safer Working Practices
All organisations employing staff and/or volunteers to work with children and young people need to ensure that safeguarding is at the heart of everything they do.
Child Exploitation
Children and young people can be exploited in many ways, including being trafficked, sexually exploited and used to run drugs. All of these come under the banner of child exploitation.
Child Sexual Exploitation
Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a form of sexual abuse. In return for gifts, money, drugs, affection, and status, children and young people are coerced, manipulated and deceived into performing sexual activities.
County Lines
Criminal gangs often exploit children and young people to sell illegal drugs and weapons across the country via dedicated mobile phone lines.
Modern Slavery and Trafficking
Modern slavery can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender or nationality - and includes the trafficking of people for the purposes of exploitation.
Gender-based Violence
Cutting across boundaries (e.g., age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation), gender-based violence covers multiple forms of abuse against people linked directly to their gender identity.
Abuse by People working with Children Scenario - FE
Abuse by People Working with Children Scenario - FE DSL Information
Child-on-child Abuse Scenario - FE
Child-on-child Abuse Scenario - FE DSL Information
Homelessness and Poverty Presentation
Homelessness and Poverty Presenter Notes
Homelessness and Poverty Handout
What is the extent of youth homelessness in the UK?
The Homelessness Monitor
Understanding Youth Homelessness
People in Housing Need
Support and advice regarding homelessness
Bullying prevention tool
Education inspection framework
Together against school bullying
Focus on: Bullying
Advice for adults working with children
Teach about bullying
Approaches to preventing and tackling bullying: Case studies