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Sharing Nudes
Children and young people may be coerced into creating and/or sharing nude or semi-nude images of under 18 year-olds or do so willingly. Responding to this issue can be complex, and education settings should address and manage the risks carefully.
Child Exploitation
Children and young people can be exploited in many ways, including being trafficked, sexually exploited and used to run drugs. All of these come under the banner of child exploitation.
Safeguarding in settings
What areas do we need to consider in order to keep children safe when in our care? Click to see the areas we consider relevant.
Risks outside the home
Learn about the safeguarding risks children can encounter outside of their homes, whether on or offline.
Risks within the home
Learn about the safeguarding risks children can face within their home environment whether with their families or in the care of others.
Abuse and neglect
Learn about the four main categories of abuse and other issues that might make children more vulnerable.
Neglect is the most common form of abuse in the UK. Neglect can be life threatening and should be treated with the same urgency as other types of abuse.
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse affects all parts of society, regardless of perceived social status, type of relationship (e.g., same-sex or heterosexual), gender identity, and cultural or religious background. Where there is domestic abuse in the family, children are vulnerable to several risks .
Children in the Care of Others
Children may live in the care of others under a variety of arrangements with or without the formal badge of "being looked after". These children may face specific risks and it's important we can identify the different arrangements there may be.
Bullying has an enduring impact on children and young people right through to their adult life and should be taken as seriously as other allegations of abuse or neglect.
Child-on-child Abuse
Children can abuse other children and is known as child-on-child abuse. We look at what it is and how to update staff.
Abuse by People Working with Children
What should you do if you have concerns about a person working with children?
Safer Working Practices