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Safeguarding Supervision
Providing support and supervision to staff is an essential part of the designated safeguarding lead's role. We explore how this role is carried out and offer support.
It’s essential that staff are properly supported with their work. Supervision ensures work with young people is effective, safe and follows procedures. It helps staff manage the complicated feelings that arise and sometimes distort the way in which we respond to incidents and concerns (further highlighted by this TES article). This page provides some guidance and offers you help in your role.
At its core, safeguarding supervision is about improving the lives of the children and young people we work with, the experience of our staff and volunteers, and the quality and purpose of the work of the organisation. Whilst safeguarding supervision has been around in other professional fields for many years, many education settings do not have this valuable support structure in place, although many child safeguarding practice reviews (formerly SCRs) have recommended this.
This article in our Safeguarding Insights series explores the reasons why supervision is both important and required, the approaches used in education settings and a checklist to ensure your setting is on the road to developing a supportive safeguarding culture.
Safeguarding Network has extensive experience in supervision delivery and training in educational settings as well as across other professional disciplines. We also have an array of free resources to support supervision discussions around specific safeguarding topics. If you feel we can help your organisation, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
To discover more about the benefits of supervision (and to access training), please read on. If you are interested in Safeguarding Network’s external supervision please complete the form below:
Safeguarding supervision training
This series of six two-hour online sessions explores models of supervision and working with staff, thinking about the dynamics in safeguarding discussions in a practical but developmental way. The course aims to equip supervisors with the skills and confidence to support and challenge staff to better understand risk and the quality of work being undertaken with children and families.
“This is the best CPD I’ve had in ages, I’m learning so much”, DSL
Ruby Parry has nearly 40 years of experience in child protection roles to Director of Children’s Services & Communities level, has been an Independent Chair of Local Safeguarding Children Boards, authored numerous serious case reviews, including a joint domestic homicide review, and designed and led the delivery of safeguarding training for Ofsted from 2012 to 2014. Hugely experienced, her engaging and personable approach enables leaders to develop their supervision skills in a meaningful way.
Supervisors will:
- Understand the principles behind supervision models.
- Recognise and apply reflective supervision.
- Undertake dynamic risk assessment during supervision.
- Create clear, focused and reviewable plans and actions.
Where necessary sessions are recorded to allow you to ‘catch up’. The full programme is £249+VAT (£199+VAT for Safeguarding Network members).
To book onto our supervision course or join the waiting list, visit our training page.
Termly subscription
from £109+VAT per setting.
Join safeguarding network for more information about how to identify and intervene in schools.
- Training resources for Safeguarding Leads to use in team meetings;
- Reference documents for additional information;
- Handouts for staff summarising each topic;
- Quizzes to test staff understanding.