Honour-based Abuse

Safeguarding Network

February 2024 - 4 minute read

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‘Honour’-based abuse is often referred to as ‘so-called’ because there is a need to be clear that there is no honour in abusing someone. As seen in the definition below, ‘honour’-based abuse is often carried out to prevent, or as a result of, the victim being thought to be bringing shame on their family or the wider community. Transgressions can be relatively minor, but the consequences are significant, potentially resulting in the victim’s death.

Although women and girls are often seen as the main victims of ‘honour’-based abuse, men and boys can be victims, too. More recently, there has been a move to highlight the under-reported issue of male victims of ‘honour’-based abuse. Male victims may be those deemed to be in an inappropriate relationship, gay or supporting the victim of other abuse.

Such abuse comes under the umbrella term of harmful practices and is also recognised to be part of domestic abuse.

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Definition of honour-based abuse

Honour-based abuse (HBA) is an incident or crime involving violence, threats of violence, intimidation, coercion or abuse (including psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional abuse), which has or may have been committed to protect or defend the honour of an individual, family and or community for alleged or perceived breaches of the family and/or community’s code of behaviour.

Crown Prosecution Service

Perpetrators of "honour-based" abuse

Although it can be the family that perceives they have been wronged and had shame brought onto them by the actions of a family member, it should also be noted that there may be multiple perpetrators of so-called ‘honour’-based abuse. 

Relatives may conspire, support, or participate in acts of abuse as may members of the wider community. ‘Honour’-based abuse can include but is not limited to murder, attempted or actual forced marriage, domestic abuse, child abuse, rape, kidnapping, false imprisonment, assault, harassment and/or forced abortion.

Home Office statistics show there were 2,905 HBA-related offences recorded by the police in England and Wales for the year ending March 2023:

Of those offences:

  • 19% were for controlling and coercive behaviour;
  • 16% were for assault with injury; 
  • 12% were for assault without injury. 

Spot the signs

As with all types of abuse, you will know the children you work with. Some potential indicators include:

  • sudden absence from school;
  • prolonged foreign travel;
  • them having their technology withdrawn;
  • them being constantly chaperoned;
  • changes in behaviour;
  • physical injuries.

The impact of shame

Most incidents of so-called ‘honour’-based abuse occur when it is perceived that the victim has brought or may bring shame on their family and/or on the wider community, in effect tarnishing the image of their family or community. ‘Honour’-based abuse is not linked to any specific community and cuts across various nationalities, cultures, faith groups and communities. 

The abuse may be ‘justified’ on grounds such as that a person:

  • has worn unapproved make-up or clothing;
  • is having an unapproved relationship;
  • has engaged in intimacy in a public place;
  • has rejected a forced marriage;
  • is pregnant outside of marriage;
  • has been a victim of rape;
  • is in an inter-faith relationship;
  • has left a spouse or sought a divorce;
  • has additional needs;
  • identifies as LGBTQ+.

What to do

  • If you are worried about a child/young person you must report it straightaway to your designated safeguarding lead. 
  • Ensure children/young people know the risks – talk about ‘honour’-based abuse at an age-appropriate level in the same way we do about consent, harm and other issues.
  • Check children and young people have safe relationships – in their family, with their peers and with staff. Create an environment where it’s okay to talk even about the most difficult things.
  • Know the signs and know what to do – use the checklists above, your safeguarding procedures, and be confident in raising ‘honour’-based abuse as a possibility.
  • Take action – and keep taking action until you know children and young people are safe.


  • Information about ‘honour’-based abuse for young people

  • Information and support for victims of ‘honour’-based abuse

  • Recognising domestic abuse

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