Free sample
This is a free sample of our governor resources. Our governor membership costs just £99+VAT per year and provides support for the safeguarding governor and the governing body. Keeping Children Safe in Education, Working Together and the inspection framework place significant responsibility on governors to maintain a strategic overview of safeguarding in their setting and require them to ensure that they are holding the DSL and senior leadership team to account.
There is not a lot of guidance or support for this crucial role and many Safeguarding Governors feel less than confident in their role, so building on the success of our work with Designated Safeguarding Leads we have created a Safeguarding Governor membership to provide structure and advice for individuals in this important duty.
About a quarter of young people report being bullied with some groups more at risk of bullying such as children with additional needs or children who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender. It has a huge and lasting impact on many children and young people – think back to your own school days and how readily memories of bullying come to mind. Bullying may cause persistent and serious effects and is part of physical, emotional or sexual child on child abuse (child on child abuse is the language used in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 replacing peer on peer abuse, recognising abuse may take place between young people who are not peers). There are serious cultural issues in the UK around child on child abuse and sexual violence & harassment: Ofsted reported in 2020 that almost a third of girls 13-17 said they had received unwanted sexual images or messages in the last year.
Culture is key in identifying, preventing and responding to child on child abuse. As governors it is vital you understand the culture within your setting. This is best achieved by listening carefully to children and young people themselves. You should be careful not to ask leading or inappropriate questions, but rather create the opportunities in safe places to hear young people talk about their settings, ensure your setting has a safe way for young people to share their experiences and monitor closely indicators that there may be a problem within your organisation.
Further learning
Safeguarding Network’s resource pages are all linked above and offer a great starting point to learning about child on child abuse and bullying. They also have links to further learning on the web and to useful resources at the bottom of the page.
You and other governors may want to complete Safeguarding Network’s Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment e-learning. It is just 99p+vat and includes a certificate of completion. If your setting is a member you can ask your DSL to authorise the course for you, or contact us and we will arrange this.
Questions & Materials
Our child on child abuse materials look to provide a number of perspectives on culture. You can access the tools in the section below.
- Check through your Safeguarding, Behaviour and Anti-bullying policies and make notes of your observations. Do they make sense from the perspective of a parent or child? Do you have confidence that this is a setting that recognises the potential risks, has a strong culture that prevents child on child abuse, is approachable for students and takes these issues seriously when they do occur?
- Ofsted set out that sexual violence and sexual harassment is likely to be happening in every education setting. Does your leadership team acknowledge this and do they have a plan in place to address it?
- What data is available to the governing body? Do you have reports on child on child abuse frequency and how this has been responded to? Is child on child abuse a major problem in the school? Does an absence of data raise concern – is child on child abuse under-reported, is the log used and are your policies being followed? What is happening across your curriculum to address these areas?
- To better understand your setting’s approach have a conversation with your DSL. We’ve a template below with some key questions – there’s a focus on their perception of culture, how they understand what happens within the setting, the underpinning curriculum & policy framework and training for staff & students
- You could also talk to your DSL about completing our Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment audit tool for your governing body. It consists of a series of statements designed to check your compliance with the statutory guidance and ensure that you are working towards a culture within your setting where sexual violence and sexual harassment is not acceptable and consistently challenged.
- Our learning walk materials below provide some specimen questions for governors to ask when they visit your setting and talk to staff, children and young people. Getting a range of perspectives will be more helpful than just hearing from one person.
Bullying and Child-on-Child Abuse - Governor Resources
Learning Walk - Overview (free sample)
Bullying and Child-on-child abuse - Learning walk – Conversations with DSL and SLT (free sample)
Bullying and Child-on-child abuse - Learning walk – Conversations with students (free sample)
Bullying and Child-on-child abuse - Learning walk – Conversations with staff (free sample)
Bullying and Child-on-child abuse - Prompt card for students (free sample)