The Safeguarding Network Training Grid is an adaptable resource to ensure you are clear about what constitutes 'appropriate training' for your staff, governors and volunteers.
Why is training necessary?
Guidance is clear about the requirement for training:
Leadership and management should “ensure that all those who work with learners are trained well so that they understand their responsibilities and the systems and processes that the provider operates and are empowered to ‘speak out’ where there may be concerns”
Education Inspection Framework
"All staff should receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training (including online safety which, amongst other things, includes an understanding of the expectations, applicable roles and responsibilities in relation to filtering and monitoring […]) at induction. The training should be regularly updated. In addition, all staff should receive safeguarding and child protection (including online safety) updates (for example, via email, e-bulletins, and staff meetings), as required, and at least annually, to continue to provide them with relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively."
Need more?
Thank you for visiting our resources pages. These are free to everyone as is our fortnightly safeguarding bulletin – general safeguarding information is too important to restrict. Become a member to access lots more, including training materials for you to deliver in-house on each topic in Keeping Children Safe in Education.
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What about training?
We can deliver training for your setting on this and other subjects via online platforms, or face-to-face in certain areas. Just get in touch to discuss your requirements.
So, everyone needs to be trained, but what is appropriate, regular and as required? This is for organisations to define depending on their learner profile, the needs of their staff team and what goes on in their local area.
We've devised a structured approach that sets out clearly what is expected of staff. It includes guidance for properly resourcing your training strategy and suggestions for cost effective ways to meet your goals.
Save time and improve your safeguarding approach…
Bite-size training materials to share with your staff every month.
Support to explore and develop your safeguarding culture.
A huge array of resources and professional experience at your fingertips.
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Memberships start at just £99+VAT a term.
We look forward to working with you.