This insight is more than 6 months old...
Please note that this insight was first published in July 2020, and therefore whilst the subject matter is still relevant, it may not represent the most up to date information in this area.
Statutory guidance is in place for this curriculum area which is due to come into place in September 2020. This could be delayed in a school until the summer of 2021.
The guidance remains statutory, but the government accepts delays could have been caused by “competing priorities and Covid-19” and as such the school “may delay teaching the new curriculum until summer 2021” (Department for Education - 03.06.20).
Within a primary setting Relationships Education is statutory (some sex education sits within the science curriculum). Within a secondary setting Relationships and Sex Education is statutory. Health Education is taught across both settings.
Parents have the right to request their child’s withdrawal from part or all of the Sex Education curriculum only. This request is made to the Head Teacher - guidance is also in place for them.
The guidance has clearly defined links to other statutory guidance and advice for schools such as:
- Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020
- SEND 2014 and onwards
- Preventing and tackling bullying
- Sexual violence and harassment
- Behaviour and discrimination in school
- Mental health and behaviour in schools to name a few.
Safeguarding is a theme throughout (see sections 76-82 and sections 116-122 in particular) and the DSL / safeguarding team need to be aware that aspects of the new curriculum are likely to impact on their role. i.e.
- Issues related to consent
- Definitions/ choices
- Grooming, CSE, domestic abuse, FGM
- Honour based abuse
- Unhealthy / abusive family relationships
- Internet/online safety – a much enhanced curriculum theme
- Contextual safeguarding
- Abusive intimate relationships.
As you can see this speaks of the need for the involvement of or communication with the DSL / team on several levels:
- The need for the DSL / team to be aware of the defined curriculum content
- The need for them to know of the timetabling for delivery
- Need for clear communication between the safeguarding lead and teachers in raising an awareness of the potential impact of this curriculum for some pupils
- Sharing information which leads to additional support or teacher awareness for pupils with a” particular protected characteristic. (which means that they are at greater risk) “
The guidance also notes that some primary schools may wish to teach sex education beyond the science curriculum- DSL’s should be aware if this is taking place
The guidance is clear that the delivery of this curriculum should take a “whole school approach” aligning the RE/RSE/HE curriculum with all other curriculum areas and safeguarding.
This curriculum guidance and the updated KCSIE 2019 (with 2020 amendments 17.6.20) are linked and would indicate that robust, secure, and effective communication in schools will make sure that there is an awareness of the potential impact for pupils.
Actions to take away
- Are you and the team aware of the curriculum to be delivered, when and by whom – including external speakers?
- Are your instructions to external visitors clear in how they will deal with a safeguarding report? Are ground rules for confidentiality and the application of your safeguarding policy clear to them?
- Is your safeguarding governor / Trustee aware of this curriculum change and the link to KCSIE?
- Are you confident of the communication links in respect of the potential need for some pupils for additional levels of awareness or support?
- What about you and the team do you need time, resources, input re. the new curriculum and its’ potential impact on safeguarding arrangements in the school?