Free Monthly Posters

Each month we provide a free poster with key messages on a safeguarding topic. Sign up to the newsletter to get these direct to your inbox, or sign up below to have hard copies sent to your setting.

Take a look at our posters which run alongside our monthly topics in our Safeguarding Network Calendar. Our posters are free of charge and available to download via the resources section on each topic page.

We offer our monthly posters to be printed on high-spec glossy paper and delivered straight to your setting’s door each month, ready to display on your staff notice boards.

Each poster has the opportunity to include custom contact details, which you can decide yourself. This could be the contact details of your school’s DSL/head teacher or even your local authorities.  We can also leave this section blank for you to write in yourself.

Sexual abuse & neglect posters

This downloadable resource raises the profile of safeguarding for your staff team. For use in staff rooms, on safeguarding boards or on the back of toilet doors, the poster includes tips and a space for local contact details together with a link and QR Codes to the relevant resource page.

This month’s topics are sexual abuse & neglect, and the downloadable posters can be accessed here and here!

Sexual abuse poster

Get your posters sent directly to your setting


Personalised, printed posters

For just £5+VAT per month, you will receive up to 5 copies of the latest posters. If you would like any additional prints, they will be charged at £1+VAT per copy.

We’ll make it easy for you

To sign up for the service please complete the form below. Billing for the posters will be added to your termly subscription invoice. If you subscribe annually, we will send an invoice for the poster program each term.

We will require 1 month’s notice to cancel the service.


  • Please provide an address to which we can send your posters.
  • Enter any contact details you think will be appropriate to your setting/staff. This could be the names of your school's DSL/Head Teacher or even the details of your local authorities. These details will be printed at the bottom of your posters.
  • Please enter a number from 1 to 100.
    Up to 5 posters are included in the price. Additional posters are £1+vat each.

Poster archive

Have you missed any of our previous posters?  We’ve collected them all in an archive which you can download to print for your setting!

Bullying poster

Bullying poster

Child Exploitation poster

Substance Misuse poster

Children living away from home poster

Young carers poster

Domestic abuse poster

Substance Abuse poster

KCSiE 2023 poster

Harmful Practices poster

Trafficking poster

Gangs and youth violence poster

Emotional Abuse poster

Online safety poster

Radicalisation poster

Sexual abuse poster

Neglect poster

Child-on-child abuse poster

Poverty poster

Allegations poster

Family in prison poster

Missing children poster

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