Schools are the key organisation in safeguarding children with 99.5% of school age children coming through their doors. But what kind of additional strains does this put on teachers and how can they be best equipped to meet these duties?
The position of school staff is unique in providing protection for children through a working knowledge of children’s demeanour, abilities and home context which allows teachers to detect small but significant differences in behaviours: critical in promoting the welfare of pupils.
However, the pressures are many and teachers are sometimes expected to be all things to all people.
So how, In such a demanding profession can we ensure teachers are motivated and confident to address concerns?
Most teachers, whether in primary schools or secondary, enter the profession to improve outcomes for all children they teach. According to Daniel Pink, the main factors for motivation in the workplace are autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Whilst this encompasses the entire teaching role, these factors may be considered key in regard to safeguarding of pupils.
Safeguarding of pupils has received a greater focus in recent years. All staff need to feel that their views and concerns are listened to and dealt with in a timely and professional manner by their DSL. Sometimes teachers need to feel confident in raising concerns without concrete evidence, requiring an open culture where low level concerns can be raised and discussed with the DSL or head teacher.
Small pieces of information are often missed in building pictures of abuse and neglect, this information may be crucial in early detection.
Mastery can only occur through training, support and experience. On its own, annual training cannot provide a sound knowledge base for teachers to proceed with confidence.
Whilst all staff read Part 1 and Annex B of KCSiE and are generally provided with What to do if you are worried a child is being abused, this does not provide for mastery of the wide and varied field of safeguarding.
DSL’s should possess this level of mastery and provide staff with regular updates; however DSLs and teachers have a raft of other duties to perform on a daily basis.
A lack of knowledge coupled with infrequent experience causes challenges, not least with allocation of time for DSLs or deputies and support for staff following disclosures.
The ethos of the school plays a key role in staffs understanding of purpose, all staff wish to ensure pupils are safe and protected from harm. Schools must ensure training is appropriate to need within their context, not only in regards to legislation but to meet the individual needs of pupils; that staff are given autonomy to report to the DSL and others such as LADO and police as necessary and in agreement with school policy; time must be given not only to attend training but to report and receive support regarding any concern or disclosure.
Together school staff and interagency support can provide a safe and protective environment with for all pupils and staff.