Safeguarding Network

Confidence in Safeguarding

Designated Safeguarding Leads have more to do and often less time to do it in. We help by collecting the resources you need into one place with expert advice. Join up with other DSLs to access training resources for your staff, audit tools and more.

Sign up for our free bulletin.

We care about the protection of your data. Read our Privacy Policy.

Everything you need to train your staff and more!

A wide range of resources and tools to help you to meet your setting's needs, saving you time and making safeguarding more robust.

Resources & training packs

What to look for and what to do… Essentials Members have access to a staff training pack for every area in Keeping Children Safe in Education

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Heavily discounted e-learning covering a range of topics, from just 99p per person including our Keeping Children Safe in Education Knowledge Check.

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Safeguarding Advice & Supervision

Initial advice and consultancy from our specialist safeguarding team for a specific issue or every half term.

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Developmental Tools

Tools for you and governors to bolster your processes and develop a safeguarding culture.

Training & CPD

Members’ Conference, courses and webinars to support DSLs in role or through our Child Protection Skills programme

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Governor support

A membership offer for your Safeguarding Governor with scaffolded learning walks, challenging questions and telephone support

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Interested in what we have to offer? Sign up for our free bulletin!

Get access to our fortnightly bulletin and receive a sample training pack on domestic abuse, including presentation, presenter notes, quiz, and scenarios.

We care about the protection of your data. Read our Privacy Policy.

Need to know more?

We love to talk. Contact us to book onto our free showaround and we can explain how being a part of Safeguarding Network can support your setting or Trust. Alternatively, using the menu bar, explore the free resources hosted on the site.

What can we do for you today?

We’re here to help

If you can't find what you're looking for, or have any questions about membership, training or other safeguarding-related issues, don't hesitate to get in touch directly via our help centre or phone. Our supportive team of administrators are available every day to help you with anything you might need!