Introduction to Domestic Abuse

Using the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and associated guidance, this online learning course will give users a general introduction to what domestic abuse is and how to respond if you suspect that domestic abuse is taking place.

Meeting your needs

Domestic abuse continues to be a significant issue across the country, irrespective of income or background.  Research by the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel found that practitioners often talk about domestic abuse without really understanding its nature and impact, and have little exploration of what is happening in the home. This identifies a need to ensure that everyone who comes into contact with children and their families is aware of the issue, knows how to spot the signs and knows what to do. Our online course is designed to provide this basic level of knowledge along with pointers as to what to do next.

Introduction to Domestic Abuse course on computer screen

What have others said?

“Useful content – e-learning made it very approachable and engaging. Found the history of DV really interesting.” (Voluntary Sector)

“Very informative, lots more information than I expected.” (Education)

“Interesting and informative …. enjoyed that the e learning was interactive and better than any that i have done before.” (Housing Sector)

“Love the step by step approach and the interactivity.” (Education)

“Having the perspectives of the abuser, and the victims was insightful.” (Local Authority)

Person with megaphone

What does the course cover?

The course considers:

  • how to define domestic abuse, including domestic abuse outside intimate relationships
  • the different ways in which a relationship can be abusive
  • indicators of domestic abuse, harassment and stalking
  • an understanding that domestic abuse is not always visible, and may include coercive or controlling behaviour, or the threat of violence as a form of control
  • barriers to an individual disclosing that they are a victim of domestic abuse
  • what to do if you identify that there is domestic abuse taking place.

All those who complete the course get a certificate of completion.

Blackboard on easel


Access to the online learning costs just £2.99+VAT per user for subscribing organisations – the designated safeguarding Lead can agree to access through their console.

Do you want to access online learning without subscribing to Safeguarding NetworkClick here for instant access to this course for £10+VAT per user. To see the range of e-learning that is available to access instantly, check the e-learning section of our courses page.

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Why Safeguarding Network?

With over 50 years of experience in child protection work, and through working closely with designated safeguarding leads, online learning from Safeguarding Network is built by practitioners who have learned how to use e-learning software. This is in contrast to e-learning providers who have built courses through liaising with subject matter experts.  Our e-learning reflects current practice, legislation and statutory guidance, and is influenced by our daily experiences in keeping children and young people safe. Find out more about the team behind Safeguarding Network.

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